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Day 23 // My first craving!

This journey promises an experience packed with the good, the bad, and the ugly. The peaks, the valleys, and the rough roads.

Last night was the first time I craved a light cocktail... a glass of wine to end the night. I ended up having an almost-midnight snack... leftovers from dinner.

I did a little investigating to determine what could have triggered a wine craving. Only three things came to mind: I had my first meal of the day much later than usual, I worked far later into the evening than usual, and I stopped having fresh fruit for breakfast for a couple of days.

Every craving is a message, either about a physical need (e.g., low sugar) or an emotional need (overwhelm, boredom, stress, etc.) The trick is using that information to learn/grow instead of splurge.

I'll be cutting a watermelon later to make sure I have fresh fruit in the AM.

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