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Green Plant

Information and Scheduling

You don't have to travel the long road of growth and healing alone.

There are angels you can recruit along the way.


I am available for one-hour calls to support you and answer your questions.


I look forward to meeting you!

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What's your next move?

I know how daunting it can be to crack your life wide open in the presence of a virtual stranger. But don't let that become the reason you don't make a move to change your entire world.

A One-Hour Session (or two or ten) is an opportunity to meet the woman who just may become your partner in your own success. I'm always overjoyed to sow into someone's life.

Even if we ultimately don't tackle your goals in a long-term engagement, I hope today is the first day of a blessed journey for you.

This. Shit. Takes. COURAGE.

I look forward to chatting with you!

Sometimes you're one smart move from changing things FOREVER.

What if you were a single decision away from living your best life? Experiencing your best relationships? Solving your greatest dilemma? Basking in a level of unshakable peace and joy?

Like me, you can probably point to times in your life where one decision came with a world of benefits you didn't even imagine. On my list: Leaving an abusive partner without looking back. Adding life coaches to my team. Testing the waters of a clean plant-based lifestyle. Tackling generational dysfunction. Taking up metaphysics. Uprooting and moving to Connecticut. Taking advantage of therapy for some routine maintenance.

I could write an entire book on how those decisions transformed me in major ways.

I make it easy to explore new bliss for yourself. Just one booked call might make your list of awesome shit you did this year.

Psst... Hey you...

Green Plant
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